Disciplinaries and Grievances
Unfortunately, running a business isn’t always smooth!
Disciplinary and grievance issues arise from time to time, and we understand that the conduct or complaint at the heart of these processes can be emotive and difficult to handle. Our team act as impartial advisors to guide you through legally compliant procedures, ensuring a full investigation is carried out, and communications with your staff are handled sensitively, whatever the outcome of the process.
Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
Whether an incidence of misconduct has arisen, or one of your employees has raised a grievance, it is important to take efficient, but measured, action. We work with businesses of all sizes to ensure that their processes for handling these issues is clear, organised and achieves the business aims, whilst remaining legally compliant. We will guide you through the process from start to finish – from identifying the allegations to drafting all letters and communications with your employees.
When someone is alleged to have committed gross misconduct, it can often be the knee-jerk reaction of an employer to suspend that individual. It is important to remember that suspension will not always be justified, simply because the allegation against them is serious. We work with the employer to identify whether suspension is justified and proportionate in all the circumstances, guiding them through initial investigations and advising on the employers ongoing obligations.
The communication with employees throughout these difficult processes are the difference between a successful outcome or not. Our team of experts ensure that communications take place at the appropriate time, any formal letters are legally compliant, sensitive and contain all relevant considerations so that your employees understand the process and reasons for the decisions made. Our experts understand that strong communications mitigate the risk to businesses – regardless of the issues.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
In many disciplinary and grievance situations, the issues at play have caused a breakdown in the working relationship between colleagues. Alternative Dispute Resolution methods, such as mediation, are therefore often a useful tool in repairing relationships and retaining talent within the organisation. We can help organisations arrange mediation and advise as to suggested outcomes to work towards in order to reach a satisfactory resolution for all parties.
If you require any guidance on the management of either a disciplinary or grievance please get in touch with one of the team here.