Omny Group Businesses – Statutory Information
The Omny Group comprises the following trading businesses:

Adastra HR Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 04081891 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 180058325.
Aspiring HR Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 09326792 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 202928132.
Its trading address is 4, Churchill Court, Rustington, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN16 3DA
HR Revolution Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07474702 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 104889302.
Its trading address is 3rd Floor, The Great Hall, Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1QQ
HRR Solutions Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 04081891 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 727 5322 35.
Its trading address is James House, Mere Park, Dedmere Rd, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1PB.

Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 10380457 and with a registered office of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number 249888434.
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 823906.
Its trading address is 3rd Floor, The Great Hall, Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1QQ
Corinthian Affinity Solutions Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 09662837 and a registered office of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number 249888434.
Its trading address is 1 City Approach, Albert Street, Eccles, Manchester, M30 0BG.

Outset Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 04607565 and a registered office of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 864 428 991.
Outset Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under registration no: 838851.
Its trading address is Vinters Business Park, New Cut Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5NZ.

Complete Health and Safety Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 04454709 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 825 9148 09.
Its trading address is Suites B and C, KBF House, 55 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9LH.
Eyton Solutions Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07034588 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: GB 122 8191 32.
Its trading address is Regus, Business Park, Office G26, Heronsway, Chester CH4 9QR.
UK Health, Safety and Environmental Training Limited is incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07106035 and a registered office address of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Registered VAT number: 134 239 429.
Its trading address is Vinters Business Park, New Cut Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5NZ.
Outset Limited Regulatory Information
Outset Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under registration no: 838851.
For more information on the clickable logo and what it means for you please visit the SRA website.
We always look to ensure very high degrees of consistency in quality, standards, indemnity insurance arrangements, limitations of liability and complaints procedures across the Omny Group. There will however be differences, in part because Outset Limited is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. As a regulated entity, Outset Limited’s indemnity insurance meets the standards required by the SRA In addition, there may be circumstances in which the client would have the right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman or apply for a discretionary payment from the SRA Compensation Fund (primarily individuals and smaller charities, trusts and enterprises).
Outset Limited will only signpost, refer you to, or recommend services offered by other group companies where we believe this to be in your best interests.
Where a group company signposts or recommends Outset Limited for legal work, you always have the option to instruct another law firm instead. However, in some circumstances the cost of seeking legal advice from Outset Limited may be included in the package of support that you have purchased from the Omny Group whereas if you choose to obtain the advice elsewhere it will be at your own expense.
Outset Limited utilises a supervisory and operating protocol and apply terms and conditions of trading intended to safeguard client interests and meet the outcomes based regulatory framework of the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
In all cases those advising you will be individuals the Omny Group considers suitably skilled and experienced to provide the advice. They will use systems, procedures and protocols commonly applied across the Omny Group and be managed to the same standards of behaviour and competence within an integrated management structure.
If you have any concerns about our approach please speak with the person advising you, ask to speak with the relationship manager or director responsible or contact
Indemnity Insurance
Outset Limited holds the relevant SRA required professional indemnity insurance.
Details of the minimum terms for compulsory indemnity insurance can be found at
Details of the current provider of our indemnity insurance are:
AXIS Speciality Europe SE
Policy Period: 1 October 2023 to 30 April 2025
Policy Number: B0621POUUK000123
Coverage: GBP 3,000,000 any one claim
A copy of Outset Limited’s professional indemnity insurance policy is available upon request.
Litigation and Alternative Methods of Funding
Representation on litigation matters is provided through Omny Law (Outset Limited).
Please note that alternative funding methods exist for many kinds of litigation, such as ‘No win – no fee’ or insurance. Whilst nearly all litigation we conduct is on behalf of businesses or employers, there are circumstances where another body might pay your legal costs. It is also possible that you may hold a legal expenses insurance policy that may cover all or part of your legal costs.
We strongly advise that you carefully check for this. It is important. Not only might insurers contribute towards your legal costs, if you do have alternative methods of funding your case, it may affect the recovery of costs from your opponent. You should tell the lawyer supervising your matter if you think you may have such an alternative. If another body does pay your legal costs then, with your consent, we may have to tell that body about your dispute.
Interest Policy on Client Funds
This policy sets out how we deal with interest on money held by Omny Law (Outset Limited) on behalf of our clients.
Our Approach
Our policy is always to account to clients for interest we receive on a fair and reasonable basis for both the client and the Outset Limited.
Client funds are held in a pooled instant access client account with HSBC Bank (as the funds need to be immediately available for transactions). Unfortunately, rates of interest provided by the banks on instant access client accounts are significantly lower than rates that individual or company clients are likely to be able to obtain by investing the money themselves.
This is why we aim to hold client money for as short a time as is reasonably possible, consistent with completing transactions quickly and efficiently.
If we hold your money in our client we will account to you for a sum in lieu of interest (gross). How this is calculated is set out below.
When Interest is Not Paid
We will not pay interest to clients for money held in circumstances in which we are not required to do so and where we consider that this would be inappropriate. This includes:
- where the amount of the interest calculated under our policy is less than £50.00 (for reasons of administrative cost and proportionality);
- on money held for professional disbursements (such as a barrister or translator’s fee) if that person has requested a delay in payment of the fee;
- on an advance by us into our general client account to fund a payment on the client’s behalf in excess of funds already held for the client in that account;
- where we have agreed with the client not to pay any interest in their particular case;
- where the client has instructed us to hold the money in such a way that unusually no interest is in fact accrued.
How Interest is Calculated
The overriding approach is to be fair and reasonable. Generally, this will require us to calculate and pay interest at the conclusion of a transaction.
In calculating interest, we will apply the rate that we received from HSBC on our instant access client account during the period when your funds were held. We will review the interest rate regularly, including when the Bank of England base rate changes.
In working out the period over which interest is calculated, we use the period between the date the relevant funds were received by us as cleared funds and the date we send the funds electronically.
Bank Failure
If a bank which holds client monies fails, we will not be liable to you for any monies lost. However, you may be entitled to compensation under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You should check with the Financial Conduct Authority to find out whether or not you would be entitled to compensation. If a bank fails, we reserve the right to disclose to the FSCS the names and other details of clients whose money is held on the general client account as part of that process of claiming compensation.
If you want us to change the bank where your funds are held, you can make a written request for us to do this. We will endeavour to move your funds in accordance with your wishes. However, we cannot guarantee that your funds will be moved as and when requested and there may be additional professional cost depending on the circumstances.
If you have any concerns before or whilst funds are held in our client account on your behalf please raise them with the lawyers advising you.
This interest policy is published on our website to assist clients. Our terms and conditions of trading confirm that we will handle client funds and interest in accordance with our Interest Policy on Client Funds as reviewed from time to time.
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited Regulatory Information
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 823906.
You can view our registration details on the FCA Register at
Scope of FCA Permissions:
- Advising on investments (except pensions transfers & pensions opt outs) (but including insurance)
- Advising on investments (for non-investment insurance contracts)
- Agreeing to carry on a regulated activity
- Arranging (bringing about) deals in investments
- Making arrangements with a view to transactions in investments
Although Corinthian Benefits Consulting Ltd is authorised to conduct insurance business, it does not actively provide advice in the areas of travel/pet/motor insurance/buildings and contents/or ASU.
If the firm changes its scope of service, it must inform all its customers of the change in writing.
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited is not authorised to hold client monies.
The FCA requires firms to categorise clients to determine the level of protection the client receives under the regulatory system. The categories are:
- Retail client
- Professional client
- Eligible Counterparty
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited treats all its clients as Retail Clients since this provides the maximum regulatory protection afforded to the client such as transactions followed in accordance with the FCA’s Code of Business Sourcebook (COBS). The client also has recourse to the Financial Ombudsman Services (FOS) and Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) if so required. We do NOT intend to offer clients the right to request categorisation as a Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty.
For insurance business (FCA definition – non-investment insurance) different categorisation definitions are used as detailed in ICOBS. However, as Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited has opted to operate under COBS for pure protection business and does not undertake general insurance business these definitions are not shown to avoid confusion.
The firm conducts insurance business under the Insurance Distribution Directive. Please see this link for further details:
For a copy of our FCA Consumer Duty Fair Value Statement or further information relating to our policies and procedures under FCA regulation please contact
Indemnity Insurance
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited and Corinthian Affinity Solutions Limited hold the relevant FCA required professional indemnity insurance. Details of the current provider of this insurance are:
AmTrust Europe Ltd and AXA Insurance UK Plc.
Policy Period: 17 September 2024 to 16 September 2025.
Policy Number: C18346N/99857.
Coverage: GBP 2,000,000 each and every claim.
A copy of the policy is available upon request.
Complaints Procedures
The Omny Group views complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the person or organisation that is dissatisfied.
Challenges around our performance may provide us with opportunity to review the quality of our services and to make improvements. Even if you do not have a complaint, your suggestions as to how we might improve our services will be welcome.
Business streams within the Omny Group have separate complaint arrangements structured to meet client needs in the context of the work undertaken and separate regulatory frameworks. If you are unhappy with any of our services, please email
Outset Limited
Outset Limited is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. This section deals with complaints by clients who have received services from Outset Limited.
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the services provided by Outset Limited, including in relation to fees, you are entitled to complain. You can make a complaint to the person who is responsible for the advice concerned. We are a relationship-led organisation so this approach has the advantage of stimulating an open, trusting relationship; something we are always keen to encourage.
Alternatively, if this is not appropriate or the complaint is in relation to more general matters, you can raise the issue with the relationship manager or director responsible for the services you receive. If you are uncertain about who this is, please email for more information.
In either case, we will aim to acknowledge a complaint within three working days. We will review our records carefully with the person or persons involved in the advice. We may also make wider enquiries as necessary. We will respond to your complaint fully as soon as practicable. We will aim to do so within 21 days, although on occasions we may first need more information from you in order to do so. Our response will usually be in writing. We may suggest a meeting and will inform you of our views about your complaint and any proposals to resolve it.
If you are not satisfied with our response, you may refer your complaint to our Complaints Officer who can be reached on We will look at the issues afresh and carry out any further investigations as necessary. We will aim to inform you of our conclusions within 28 days of the complaint being referred. Our response will include any proposals to resolve the complaint.
If it remains unresolved:
The Solicitors Regulation Authority can help if you are concerned about our behaviour. Please see their website for further details on reporting concerns.
You may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman.
The Legal Ombudsman will require you first to have registered an official complaint with us. Normally, the Legal Ombudsman expects you to give us eight weeks to try to resolve the matter. For more information on how the Legal Ombudsman works please visit the Legal Ombudsman website. The Ombudsman site also includes some useful checklists and sample letters.
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited
Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority This section deals with complaints by clients who have received services from Corinthian Benefits Consulting Limited.
We have a written policy for handling complaints and how we ensure we deal with each complaint promptly and fairly. You can obtain a summary from us, should you so request. Should you have cause to complain for any reason a copy of our policy for handling of complaints will be automatically sent to you. Please direct your complaint to the Compliance Manager at the company address.
Clients should be aware that if they are unhappy with any response to a complaint received from the company, they may complain directly to the Financial Ombudsman Service who will then assess whether they have an eligible complaint before proceeding with an investigation. You can contact FOS via or telephone: 0800 023 4567.
If you are an eligible claimant under the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority, you will also be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations. Compensation for investment advice is provided at £85,000 per claimant per defaulting firm. Non-Investment Protection cover for compulsory insurance, including insured pension schemes is 100% of the claim with no upper limit and for other non-compulsory insurances, the cover is 90% of the claim with no upper limit.
Further information about compensation arrangements is available from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme may also provide awards if any third party institution we may use, is declared in default or insolvent.
Business streams within the Omny Group have separate complaint arrangements structured to meet client needs in the context of the work undertaken and separate regulatory frameworks. If you are unhappy with any of our services, please email
We take great care to ensure the safety of your information. Cyber Crime is a growing global problem, including emails designed to look like genuine communications but in fact sent by scammers. If you are in any doubt about a communication you have received please do not respond and do not open any attachments. Please speak with the individuals within the Omny Group that you deal with or telephone us. Working together in this way we can help to reduce the risk of fraudulent activity.